Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 120: 8/12/2010

Holy crap. The school year has hit me like a ton of bricks. Tonight my whole family was asleep by 8 so it's not just me.

I woke up and 5:40 and got to the pool when it opened at 6 am. I swam a 2000 and got home by 7 so I could help out while Lindsey gets ready. I had duty this morning so I had to get to school a little early. Not enough time.

Work all day. First XC practice after school which was hampered by a quick moving wind and dirt storm. Got home and ate a little then fell asleep right where I was sitting. Plate still in front of me not even finished. I woke up from the nap and did some email business and ran to the store for some groceries. Bam, it's 9. Clean up around the house and now I need to get to bed. No bike... again.

I seriously hope things get better because this schedule is making me burn the candle at both ends. I don't like it. Is this a case of HTFU? I'm not complaining here I just need a clone.

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