Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 60: 6/13/2010

My brother Mike is in town and we rode together this morning. The plan was 3 hours with some intervals. We put in 60 miles together and it felt great. He is really strong on the bike and likes to pull... a lot. I finished off 2 bottles of gatorade and carbo pro and finished 1 bag of sport beans. I felt strong and not burnt for my brick run.

The goal for the brick run was :10 at zone 1, 5 minutes at tempo pace and then another 5 minutes cool down. I ran the easy effort at 7:45 pace and the tempo pace at 6:45 pace. It did take a few minutes to get my running legs under me but I felt pretty comfortable pretty quickly.

So it is just past 11:00 o'clock and I am done training for the day. I finished with 4 swims totaling 11,500 yards, 4 rides totaling 146 miles in 7.8 hours and 5 runs totaling 35.5 miles in 5 hours. Total training time for the week was 16 hours and 35 minutes.

I had a great week and I need to thank Lindsey for being so understanding and Danny for the schedule. Without the family and friends I have supporting me I wouldn't be much of anything. Thank you. Have a great day!

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