Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 34: 5/18/2010

I was really really tired this morning. I hate excuses and I use this blog to help motivate myself not to use any since I have to actually write them out for the world to see. In other words, it lets me see when I need to HTFU. It keeps me accountable. But holy crap, I was really tired.

I got to the pool and swam 3650 in 1:10. Felt good but not great. I got home and dinner was ready and it was delicious. Lindsey had fresh mixed salad and lasagna with italian sausage. I couldn't resist and I'm still pretty full. No 2nd workout.

On another note, I weighed myself this morning and I was 163 lbs and 9% body fat.


  1. what were you (weight) before you started your IM training?

  2. On day 1 I weighed 165 and 9% BF. Hopefully I can drop into the 150's soon.

  3. nice 2lbs. That's the frequency of weight loss I experienced when I got serious about Du Natz. I lost a total of 30 pounds. When from 210 lbs to 180lbs with 6.3% body fat. As I lost weight I noticed my running was getting faster. Make sense duh !!

  4. Wow bro. 30 pounds and 6.3 BF is really impressive. How long did that take? Was it through training alone or did you focus on nutrition also?

  5. Steven,
    it was through both. I think when I started putting in serious running miles is when I noticed the weight starting to come off. I would say I started the weight loss in Sept and reached my lightest at 180 right before Nationals in April. So about 7 months I believe. Have not had any trouble keeping it off. I also give myself one day a week where I just pig out and have anything I want. It seems to work.
