Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 40: 5/24/2010

Monday, Monday. Seems like if I start with a bang I tend to fizzle and if I start out easy I end up consistent and finish strong. Yesterday I invited some CC kids mountain biking. One of them got a new bike and was excited to get it dirty. The group ended up being 5 of us and we were gone for 2 hours but I'm only counting 1 hour towards my training because I spent a lot of time waiting for them. I gave up a little of my workout but these kids really enjoyed riding single track and I think they have a new appreciation for just how hard riding a bike can be. When they stopped they were usually breathing pretty hard and sweating but always had a big smile. They all had fun and want to do it again. We didn't make formal plans but they now know where the trail is. I'd love to see them get interested in something like that. A big goal I have for all the kids I coach is that they stop perceiving exercise as a chore and start running, swimming, or biking on their own.

So total for the day was 1 hour mountain biking.

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