Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 78: 7/1/2010

July 1st means the start of the XC season for SHS. I made it to the morning practice and I made their run be my warm up and I let the captains lead the post-workout stretches and strides while I continued on and put in some intervals on a ditchbank. I had a good run workout and was surprised to see my Garmin measuring the intervals at 6 minute pace. It felt good though, I just wish I could have had a better run at BSLT (Errrrr). Total run time was 1 hour.

The afternoon was spent in Albuquerque visiting my mom who just had a hip replacement yesterday. We left to just get back in time for swim team pictures and Lindsey was able to make it to the evening XC practice so she could get her run in. I played mom and had the kids and even made dinner! Unfortunately, no 2nd workout which was supposed to have been an hour and a half bike ride (which could still happen on the trainer).


  1. Need an assistant coach bro?? Would love to get involved in something like you are with cross country coaching.

    You speed is starting to improve bro. Good Job!!

    I hope your mom feels better.

  2. Thanks bro, and I do need an assistant! The team keeps growing but that is a good problem!
