Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 95: 7/18/2010

Long ride of 3.5 hours and a 2000 yard swim. My bike wasn't feeling to good at around the middle point but perked up on the return. I rode 62 miles which isn't nearly as far as I went last Sunday with Mike but then again we had 2 people working together and it was a net downhill ride.

My total for the week is 17 hours and 20 minutes. 5 runs totaling 41.5 miles, 4 bike rides totaling 150 miles and 4 swims totaling 11000 yards. I did miss one bike ride this week due to being tired and the weather not cooperating. The next 3 weeks of training will be a big push before school starts. I should be at approximately 20
hours each of the next 3 weeks. I have never trained so much in my life and I am looking forward to the challenge of the next 3 weeks. It will be really tough, physically and mentally.


  1. Those are some serious miles bro. I finally got back on the bike today..Saddle sore problems seem to be working themselves out. I'm glad because I need to recover from the running.

    I may be eating your dust come Aug.

  2. I don't know about that bro, 20 hours each of the next 3 weeks makes for a tired boy!
